Midway to Rally San Diego to Show its Support For Freedom
USS MIDWAY TO RALLY SAN DIEGO TO SHOW ITS SUPPORT FOR FREEDOM This Saturday, September 15, 2018, San Diegans have an opportunity to show their gratitude for those who protect our freedoms at home and abroad in uniform including our service men and women and America’s first responders…by forming a giant heart on the USS Midway’s flight deck. More than 1,000 San Diegans are expected to participate. The “Heart With Gratitude” will be videotaped and become the cornerstone of a Midway social media and advertising campaign this coming holiday season. Everyone who participates in the USS Midway/Star 94.1’s Heart with Gratitude event will also be able to stay aboard Midway on Sept 15 and experience the museum at no charge during normal museum hours. Gates open at 8 a.m. and participants must be aboard by 9 a.m. when videotaping starts to receive the admission offer. All attendees 18 and older will be entered to win a Roundtrip ticket flying anywhere in the U.S. that Southwest flies.
To participate, download a free ticket today! This free event combined with admission is made possible by support partners Star 94.1, Southwest Airlines and Skydiving Innovations. Thank you, San Diego!
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