Donors who have remembered the Museum in their wills have benefited the institution in many ways, helping to build and maintain its collection and providing indispensable support for our educational programs, ship preservation, exhibits, and future legacy as America’s Living Symbol of Freedom. A bequest is one of the simplest ways to provide for the USS Midway Museum’s future and can take many forms.
You may make a bequest to the Midway by preparing a new will or adding a codicil to your present will. An outright bequest to the Museum is fully tax-deductible for estate-tax purposes.

You may arrange for the Museum to receive:
- A specific dollar amount
- Specified assets, such as securities, real estate, or tangible personal property.
- All or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other obligations (a residuary bequest)
- A contingent bequest, making the USS Midway Museum the beneficiary only if the named beneficiary is unable to accept the bequest.
How to Make a Bequest: Useful Language
The most useful bequest is an unrestricted bequest for the general purposes of the Museum. This permits the Museum to use your gift wherever it is most needed at the time.
Important Note: If you do specify a use for your bequest, the following language will ensure that your gift will always remain productive: “If at any time in the judgment of the Trustees of the USS Midway Museum the designated use of this bequest is no longer practicable or appropriate, then the Trustees shall use the bequest to further the general purposes of the Museum, giving consideration, where possible, to my special interest as described above.”

Suggested language for making an unrestricted bequest:
“I give, devise and bequeath [the sum of ____ dollars], [all or ____ percent of the rest, remainder and residue of my estate of every kind and description (including lapsed legacies and devises)] to the USS Midway Museum, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101, for its general corporate purposes.”
Suggested language for a specific purpose:
“I give, devise and bequeath [the sum of ____ dollars], [all or ____ percent of the rest, remainder and residue of my estate of every kind and description (including lapsed legacies and devises)] to the USS Midway Museum, 910 N Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101, to create an endowment fund which, subject to the Museum’s endowment spending rule, is to be used for the following purpose: [state the purpose]."
Contact Us
For more information on how these gifts might work for you, please contact:
Planned Giving
Robin Bolin
Donor Engagement Manger
(619) 398-8280 direct
USS Midway Museum
910 N Harbor Dr
San Diego, CA 92101
Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.
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